Hawkins County Chancery Court/Clerk & Master

     Brent Price, Clerk & Master-Appointed to Office 2020

           Mailing and Physical Address: 100 E. Main Street, Suite 316, Rogersville, TN 37857
           Phone Number: (423)-272-8150

           Fax Number: (423)-272-7347                                                                                                          

The Chancery Court is a Trial Court of general original jurisdiction of all cases of an equitable nature, where the debt or demand exceeds fifty dollars; and every matter of equitable cognizance above said amount is presumed to be within its inherent jurisdiction as a Court of Equity. Established by the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, the Chancery Court has original jurisdiction as a Court of Equity. Chancery Court has original jurisdiction over certain other matters, as assigned to it by the legislature, some of them exclusively, others concurrently with the Circuit Court. The Chancery Court collects and distributes child support, collects delinquent property taxes for the county and city, probates estates and administers conservatorships and oversees investments of litigant funds paid into the court's registry. The Clerk and Master is the principal administrative aide to the Chancery Court, docket maintenance, revenue management, maintenance of court minutes, official communication, and various other court-associated duties. The Clerk and Master is appointed by the Chancellor for a six-year term pursuant to the State Constitution. The Clerk and Master files civil matters in Chancery Court including probate matters and collects delinquent taxes. Pursuant to Local Rules, probate matters require representation by an attorney.

Honorable Douglas T. Jenkins

Chancellor of the 3rd Judicial District of Tennessee
Hawkins, Greene, Hamblen & Hancock Counties

Carolyn Parsons
Judicial Assistant to Chancellor Douglas T. Jenkins

Probate Claim Against EstatePetition for Limited Letters for a Small Estate | Instructions & Waiver for Small Estate Uncontested Divorces TennCare Release Form

Electronic Filing System (E-Filing) is now available. To sign up visit https://go.tybera.net/tncis/reg 

See NEW Local E-Filing Rules by clicking here: NEW Electronic Filing Rules


Delinquent Tax Sale Results

Court Schedule

Chancery Court begins at 10:00 a.m. We do not have docket soundings and cases can be scheduled by selecting a date from those listed below and sending a Notice of Hearing or letter to the Clerk and Master. Chancellor Jenkins hears motions and hearings on the same days. All jury trials and multi-day trials MUST be set by the Chancellor's office with a confirmation sent to the Clerk and Master, either by Notice of Hearing or letter.

Any telephonic status conference must be coordinated with the Chancellor's legal assistant, Carolyn Parsons. Any telephonic hearing on the day of court in a case on the docket must be coordinated with the Clerk & Master. All continuances must be approved by the Chancellor. See form provided in Helpful Link.

Court Dates
2025 Dates

January 8 ,22
February 5, 10
March 5, 12, 17
April 2, 9, 16
May 6, 20
June 3, 18
July 1, 16
August 8, 19


*If needed Chancellor will hear UNCONTESTED matters prior to commencement of an all day trial.


January 1, 2025                      New Year's
January 20, 2025                    MLK's Birthday
February 17, 2025                   President's Day
April 18, 2025                          Good Friday
May 26, 2025                          Memorial Day
June 19, 2025                         Juneteenth
July 4, 2025                             Independence Day
September 1, 2025                  Labor Day
October 10, 2025                     Heritage Days
October 13, 2025                    Columbus Day

November 11, 2025                 Veterans' Day
November 27&28, 2025          Thanksgiving
December 24,25, & 26th         Christmas 
January 1, 2026                       New Years's