Mayor's Office

Mark DeWitteMark DeWitte, Mayor

» Email the Mayor's Office

Office Hours:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Contact Information:
150 East Washington Street
Rogersville, TN 37857
Phone: (423) 272-7359
Office Staff:

Stephanie Testerman Administrative Assistant
Sarah Davis Office and Property Manager, Special Projects Coordinator
Eric Buchanan Director of Accounts & Budgets
Teresa Ann Couch Payroll & Insurance Specialist
Michelle Simpson Purchasing Clerk
Becky Smith Accounts Payable
Evelyn Gladson Financial Assistant

Hawkins County is one of the greatest communities in our state. It is my honor and pleasure to serve you as Hawkins County Mayor. My goal is to continue to make Hawkins County a safe place where you want to raise your family and where business and industry wants to locate.

The County Mayor is the accounting officer and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the county. He/she appoints members of county boards and commissions, as well as department heads. As accounting officer and general agent of the county, he/she has the responsibility to:

• Have care and custody of all county property, except that in the custody of other officials
• Control all books, papers, and instruments of the office
• Audit all claims for money against the county
• Audit and settle accounts of the county trustee, and those of any other collector/receiver of county revenue, taxes/incomes payable into the county treasury, and those of any persons entrusted to receive/expend any money of the county
• To require the clerks of courts to produce all records, documents, and papers in their offices relative to county revenue collected by that officer

These statutory powers and responsibilities are only a very few of the day-to-day duties performed by the County Mayor.

The County Mayor serves on several boards and commissions. He/she is empowered to enter into contracts and has the authority to negotiate/execute loans and notes. He/she works closely with the Chamber of Commerce and the Industrial Board to recruit new business and expand existing one in our area. He/she also provides recommendations to the County Commission and keeps them advised of the financial condition and needs of the county they serve.

“I appreciate the confidence the voters have placed in me as Hawkins County Mayor. As we move forward, please feel free to contact me with questions and concerns. My goal is for all of us to work together to continue to make Hawkins County a great place to live and work. In conjunction with the county commission, we can all contribute to the progress of the entire area. All of our cities and towns are vital to our success. From Bulls Gap to Rogersville, Surgoinsville, Church Hill, Mt. Carmel and the Allandale section of Kingsport, everyone plays a part of the vitality of Hawkins County. God bless all of us as we go through the years ahead.” – Mark Dewitte, Hawkins County Mayor