Sue Mallory, Director

Transportation, congregate meals, home delivered meals, educational programs, exercise classes, exercise equipment, bingo, trips, computer for clients use, volunteer opportunities, senior games, health screenings, Bible study, painting classes, woodworking classes, and many more activities.
Office Hours:
7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Contact Information:
407 East Main Street
Rogersville, TN 37857
(423) 272-9186
For the senior citizens of Hawkins County, the Senior Center offers assistance with issues relating to, but not limited to, the following:
- Health insurance questions
- Medical bill payments
- Life insurance
- Medicare Part D
- Mailings received
- Fraud concerns
- Medicines and information from pharmacy
- Living Wills
- Durable Power of Attorneys
- Social Security
- Food Stamps
- Sitter services
- Transportation
- Heating assistance
- No charge or fees are imposed. Donations are accepted for meals at the Center.
The Senior Center is closed for inclement weather as determined by the Hawkins County School System due to transportation for seniors.