Randall L. Collier, Circuit Court Clerk

Mr. Collier served for over twenty years as a police officer for the town of Mt. Carmel as a detective, and was a chief detective with the Hawkins County Sheriff Office. Randall was most recently an investigator with the Third Judicial District Public Defenders Office. He also served the county for over ten years on the Hawkins County Board of Education with the last six years as the Chairman of the Board. Mr. Collier approaches his office viewing the justice system as a wheel. The center of the wheel is the Clerk of Courts Office with the "spokes" consisting of all branches of the justice system. These spokes include the District Attorney's office, the Public Defenders office, private attorneys, circuit court judges, probation, law enforcement and you, the good citizens of Hawkins County who serve as the jury. The wheel must be stable and support all the spokes to help the wheel of justice turn. Mr. Collier's goal for the office is to always be as a team, engaging all the branches of justice to provide service, respectability and accountability to the people of Hawkins County.
Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts
What we do:
Maintain court records for Circuit, Criminal, Juvenile, General Sessions, and Child Support Courts
Download Important Documents
Rogersville Office
115 Justice Center Dr. Suite 1237
Rogersville, TN 37857
(423) 272-3397
(423) 272-4517
8:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Church Hill Office
150 South Central
Church Hill, TN 37642
(No Mail Delivered To This Address)
(423) 357-4441
Church Hill Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
Circuit Judges:
Honorable Alex Pearson
Honorable Beth Boniface
Honorable William E. Phillips, II
Criminal Judge:
Honorable John F. Dugger, Jr.
General Sessions Judge:
Honorable J. Todd Ross
Juvenile Judge:
Honorable Amy Skelton
Child Support Referee:
Paige Collins
Jodi Evans, Deputy Clerk - Circuit Criminal
Alison Curtice, Deputy Clerk - Sessions Criminal
Maxine Burton, Deputy Clerk - Child Support
Christie Forbis, Deputy Clerk - Bookkeeper
Robin Greer, Deputy Clerk - Sessions Civil
Samantha Carter, Deputy Clerk - Sessions Traffic/Cost Collections
Wrendi Rushinsky, Deputy Clerk - Sessions Civil
Penny Lawson, Deputy Clerk
Whitney Kersey, Deputy Clerk
Lisa Brooks, Deputy Clerk - Juvenile Court
Lucy Taylor, Deputy Clerk - Circuit Civil